Our team is engaged in a charitable mission to support Ukraine

The funds raised will go to:
  • weapons and equipment for our defenders
  • humanitarian aid to the civilian population
  • evacuation of people from occupied cities
Who are we

We are a team of professionals and activists. We are united by a common goal - to direct our knowledge, our experience to help Ukraine in difficult times. We are not officials, we are not corrupt, we are not bureaucrats - we are experts and we are ready to prove it in practice.


Mob. tel. +380 (97) 047 19 89

News and reports
January 24
Generator for the Armed Forces

Volunteers of our public organization handed over a new generator for the needs of the 126 brigade.

January 24
We continue to help the Armed Forces

A grid and other metal constructions have been handed over to our air defense systems to preserve our equipment

December 19
40 drones to win

"Joint Solution" NGO together with entrepreneur Igor Zgurov purchased and handed over 40 drones and 2 control devices.

Assistance of the Armed Forces

Sleeping bags for soldiers of the 35th brigade! We believe in Victory

December 4
Help snipers

Volunteers Maria Slepchenko and Andriy Serebriy gave our snipers "work tools"! Thank you for your work! Glory to Ukraine

November 28
Repair of the sports ground

The NGO "Joint Solution" repaired the sports ground in the village of Fontanka with its own funds. We are preparing for the repair of the playground in the village of Oleksandrivka. We urge the residents of the community to treat sports infrastructure facilities responsibly and carefully.

12 September
thermal imagers for self-propelled guns

GO "Spielne Reshennya" with financial support from the enterprise of Igor Zgurov purchased and delivered 25 thermal imagers for the self-propelled gun system 25 thermal imagers for 2.3 million UAH already in Ukraine Days of possession are disrupted in a similar manner. We work together for the sake of victory!

An extraordinary event for Odessa

An extraordinary event for Odesa: the joint project of the Lithuanian patron Daumantas Levas Todesas "The Journey of Moses" and the Ukrainian artist Matvyi Vaisberg "The Thin Red Line" in the Museum of Western and Eastern Art opened on Thursday, September 7 at 4:00 p.m. On August 23, 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed between Nazi Germany and the totalitarian Soviet Union, which divided Europe into two parts - Hitler's and Stalin's. This document decided not only the beginning of the bloodiest World War II in history, but also the fate of millions of people who died forever. When the Soviets captured Lithuania in the summer of 1940, they immediately began deporting the local population. Thus, a carpenter from the town of Plunge Yakov Bunk (Yakovas Bunka) ended up in Western Siberia together with his family. It was from there that he and his father and brothers joined the Red Army in January 1942, and then went to the front of the Second World War. His father died in March 1943 in the battle for Orel, his older brother Abram was killed near Königsberg in 1945. Yakov was lucky - he was wounded several times, went to fight again, was a shooter, a scout, but survived and returned to his native town of Plunge, where almost all his relatives, friends and acquaintances were shot by the Nazis as Jews in the summer of 1941. In memory of the dead, Jakovas Bunka began to make wooden memorial figures above the places of executions of Jews - this is how the memorial was created in Kaušenai and in ten other places in Lithuania, he embodied Jewish images in traditional Lithuanian wood carving. His Moses stood on the top of the hill above Lake Platelai for almost 40 years - but the tree is rapidly collapsing: the sculpture rotted, only the prophet's head remained intact. And then, guided by the photographs and the proportions of the fragment, the sculptor Antanas Vashkis carved a copy of Moses, and Daumantas Todesas made several smaller copies of the head of the prophet and gave them to various artists to paint the works and thereby express their relationship to those who did not accept being slaves and died for freedom. Moses is the one who led the people out of slavery. For his extraordinary bravery and steadfastness, he received the Ten Commandments (Decalog) on Mount Sinai and his journey to the Promised Land lasted forty years. Moses is not only a symbol of faith, it is the desire for freedom and the fight against tyranny. This is exactly what Ukrainians are fighting for now - for freedom, for their Promised Land - Ukraine, this is the only way to survive and preserve life and identity. The dictatorship of the aggressor is violence, the desire to oppress and kill. The right of free people is to live and fight against those who want to kill you. That is why Daumantas Todesas's exhibition "The Journeys of Moses" is combined with the works of Matvyi Weisberg from the cycle "Thin Red Line", which was created in the spring of the terrible year 2022 and is dedicated to the defense of Mariupol - the Ukrainian city, which with its protection and defense saved the lives of people in other Ukrainian cities and villages . "The Thin Red Line" (The Thin Red Line) - a term, a meme that defines extraordinary defense on the verge of the impossible: that's how the Scottish infantry were forced to line up in two rows instead of four in the Thin Red Line in the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War in October 1854, to cover the too wide front of a possible attack by the Russian cavalry. The uniforms of the British army were red, hence the name, which means a desperate last-ditch defense. This is how our Mariupol was defended, this is how Ukrainian cities and villages have been holding the sky for the tenth year in a row. Matvii Weisberg used his impressions of seeing live ancient Greek friezes in the Glyptothek in Munich: during the battle, the warriors are left without arms and legs, but they continue to fight. "Our Ukrainian defenders are now ancient heroes," the artist believes. The red line, which looks weak and thin, is actually powerful - it gives strength and holds mutilated warriors. Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mykolaiv, Bakhmut, Avdiyivka, Bucha, Irpin, Kupyansk, Izyum - all Ukrainian cities and villages turned out to be the Red Line that does not allow the enemy to break us, Ukrainians, in their desire to be free on his land. The exhibition was created with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine, the National Historical and Memorial Complex "Babyn Yar", the art foundation "DUKAT" (Kyiv) and the public organization "Common Decision". The NGO "Common Decision" provided a charity road for the organization of the exhibition.

7 September
Assistance for the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

The public organization "Joint Solution" again helped the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. 5 tables, 40 chairs, 6 armchairs were purchased and handed over to the "Ukrainian Medical Center for the Rehabilitation of Mothers and Children of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine". Let's help together.

5 September
Another drone for military needs

The NGO "Joint Solution" handed over another very important "bird" for our military. We are approaching Victory together.

5 September
Generator for the National Olympic Committee.

Volunteers of the NGO "Joint Decision" purchased and handed over a powerful generator, this time athletes received help. We continue to help our athletes and believe in a golden result in Paris-2024

4 September
Practical car for ZSU needs

Volunteers of the NGO "Spilne Rishennya" came and handed over one more car for the needs of ZSU. Volkswagen Transporter 2014 was brought to the release date from Lviv and handed over to the Evil Forces of Ukraine.

August 30
Honor the hedges

Alona Vavilov, the head of the Board of the NGO "Spielne Rishennya" and the head of the NGO "Spilne Rishennya" Kovbasyuk Dmytro took away the badges of the battalion! On the occasion of the 23rd Special Recognition of the Okremy Presidential Brigade named after Hetman Bogdan Khmelnytsky, which was awarded to the 23rd Battalion, which was awarded the military task of fighting against the aggression of the Russian Federation at the gathering of our state, it was transferred to the civil defense "SPILE DISCHARGE" thermobilization, which allowed the soldiers of the battalion to feel comfortable in the winter in combat positions . Radio stations and additional batteries to them, which became the guarantee of a stable and reliable connection between the trains. GO "SPILNE RISHENNYA" acted as a co-investor in the preparation of a machine-gun turret, as if in the distance the bula was installed on an armored car. Prote the main help was given to the purchase of emergency materials and the financing of emergency work related to the obstruction of the point of permanent deployment 23 OBSP. Adzhe, blasted that comfortable mind for the fighters is good to inject into their moral and psychological camp. Zagalna sum help about 2 million UAH!!!

August 30
Military generator

Volunteers of the public organization splne decision purchased and handed over another powerful generator for the needs of the military.

August 28
Medical equipment

Volunteers of the Joint Decision NGO with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine handed over the necessary equipment for the Odesa hospital. For the treatment of wounded soldiers, the following were handed over: 43 VAK machines; 2240 canisters; 2240 dressing materials. We are grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for help and cooperation! We work for Victory!!! Thank you ZSU!!!

August 25
Help to the needy

Volunteers of the public organization "Joint Solution" purchased and handed over 20 food kits for lonely elderly residents of Odesa.

August 15
Aid to Odesa hospitals

The NGO "Joint Decision" continues to provide assistance to medical institutions of the region. 43 VAK devices and more than 2,000 sets of consumables were delivered to Odesa and given to hospitals for the treatment of our wounded soldiers. With this delivery, the volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization covered all the needs of the region for the time being.

August 14
A drone for our defenders

Volunteers of the Joint Decision organization organized a fundraiser for a drone for our defenders. On August 14, the drone was transferred to the front line. The purchase of the drone became possible thanks to the help of caring Ukrainians, in particular the entrepreneur Igor Zgurov.

August 5
The children of Fontansk OTG visited the Opera House

On August 5, the children of Fontansk OTG joined art and visited the Odesa Opera Theater, which presented the children with an unforgettable fairy-tale world of art and creativity. The NGO "Joint Decision" organized a trip for 100 children and their parents to the theater for the play "Red Riding Hood"!

July 25
Product assistance for OPB 2

The NGO "Joint Solution" supports Ukrainians affected by the war and provides assistance to those who need it. On July 25, volunteers provided another humanitarian aid to OPB 2 - a set of food products.

July 22
Social Camp 2023 Odesa

On July 22, Social Camp Odesa 2023 was held in Odesa, which was attended by volunteers, activists, those who care and everyone who helps the country in its struggle every day. The "Joint Decision" team also joined this event to develop the culture of volunteering in Ukraine, promoting effective interaction between all participants of this movement.

July 21
The renovation of the premises for the Legal Clinic at the I. I. Mechnikov ONU has been completed

With the comprehensive support of "Riviera Development", volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization repaired the premises of the Legal Clinic at the I. I. Mechnikov National University.

July 21
The "Joint Decision" team works every day and brings victory closer

While the heroes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are protecting our security, volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization Alyona Vavilova and Natalya Foksha are working on lists to provide humanitarian aid to the residents of the Fontana community and are doing everything to bring our victory closer.

July 29
Linoleum for Fountain School

Two classes of the Fontana school received linoleum from the "Joint Decision" team. Linoleum was purchased with the financial support of "Riviera Development" to facilitate the preparation of classes for the school year.

July 20
Volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization continue to help

ГО “Спільне рішення” за підтримки надавачів гуманітарної допомоги передали Збройним Силам України сучасні засоби гасіння пожежі з Південної Кореї.

July 10
17 months of full-scale invasion: how the NGO "Joint Decision" helps during the war

During the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the life of Ukrainians changed fundamentally. Constant shelling, air raids, being forced to leave home and many other negative factors became a real test for many people. However, all these problems greatly united Ukrainians, motivating them to defend their country and help it fight the enemy. Volunteers of the "Common Decision" NGO help everyone in need every day. -In cooperation with construction companies, 300 anti-tank metal barriers were manufactured. -2 off-road vehicles were handed over to units of the Armed Forces. -Soldiers at the checkpoints are provided with warm and comfortable clothes in the cold period. - 14 modern walkie-talkies were handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the front line. - 250 protective helmets with the support of the Jewish community of Vienna were given to the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. -28,000 bottles of Carpathian water were purchased and handed over to our soldiers at the front with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. - Support and provision of quality and warm food to soldiers who are on duty at checkpoints. - Provision of Odesa Regional Clinical Hospital with necessary and modern medical preparations. - 1 modern resuscitation vehicle with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was transferred to the medical service of the Security Service of Ukraine. - 5 modern ultrasound systems with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine were transferred to military hospitals and hospitals in Ukraine. -5,000 food kits for forcibly displaced persons. - 50 families were provided with temporary shelter and free housing. -600 packs of diapers and 1000 packs. various baby food, including feeding mixtures, were given to internally displaced persons - families with children- Attracting and issuing the necessary clothes and shoes for internally displaced persons and their children -1.5 tons of food was donated for cats and dogs in cooperation with foundations that help homeless animals. - 300 people received free legal advice, were provided with appropriate advice on drafting documents, and submitting them to relevant bodies and authorities. -85 cars from banking institutions of Ukraine were handed over to territorial defense units in the first 2 weeks of the war. -100 protective Kevlar helmets for soldiers of the military unit. -650 units of special military uniforms and shoes, as well as special gloves for the fighters of the TRO of Odesa were purchased and handed over. -365 units of special military uniforms and shoes, as well as special gloves for soldiers of the military unit were purchased and handed over. - 30 modern walkie-talkies were purchased and handed over to the territorial defense fighters of the city of Odesa. - 22 modern expensive helmet mounts (head and helmet brackets) were purchased and handed over to the soldiers of the military unit. - 11 new and modern thermal imaging sights were purchased and handed over to the soldiers of the military unit. - 30 modern walkie-talkies were purchased and handed over to the soldiers of the military unit. -Ford F150 car was bought and handed over to the military unit. -$30,000 was transferred for the completion of an apartment building for internally displaced persons in the Vinnytsia region for 36 apartments, the purchase of necessary equipment for apartments and furniture. -The welding machine and the angle grinder were handed over to the defenders of Ukraine in Mykolaiv. - 150 families of immigrants from the Fontana community received financial assistance in the amount of UAH 6,600 per family member from the French organization ACTED. -70 pcs of VAK system (devices for negative pressure treatment), CS300 canisters - 3159 pcs; dressing sets NPWT-1-260A - 3159 pcs. in cooperation with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine transferred it to the hospitals of Ukraine. -In cooperation with American funds, protective ammunition was purchased for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

June 20
The NGO "Joint Decision" organized a trip to the theater for the children of the Fontana community

Volunteers of the "Joint Decision" public organization, with the support of Yevgeny and Olena Fatenkova, organized a visit to the theater by the children of the Fontansk OTG. 30 children from the Fontana community listened to modern Ukrainian music at the Odesa Opera House.

June 2
Preparation for the new academic year in Fontansk OTG

Active preparation for the new school year begins. On June 2, volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization, together with the head of Oleksandrivka and Svitly Yevhen Fatenkov, handed over new linoleum to the parents of one of the classes.

May 25
In the ONU named after Mechnikova Legal Clinic will appear

A legal clinic will appear at ONU named after Mechnikova.

April 15
10 tons of humanitarian aid for residents of the Fontana community

Every day, more and more Ukrainians suffer from the illegal Russian invasion - many of our fellow citizens have lost their homes, jobs, health and relatives, and the economy is experiencing significant challenges. On April 13, another 10 tons of humanitarian aid was delivered to the residents of Fontansk OTG.

April 12
Charity Easter fair in Fontanska OTG

12 квітня волонтери громадської організації «Спільне рішення» за підтримки Управління освіти Фонтанської сільської ради взяли участь у благодійному Великодньому ярмарку задля допомоги Збройним силам України.

March 22
The Joint Solution team continues to provide humanitarian aid to the people most affected by the war

The public organization "Joint Decision" with the support of the Coordination Humanitarian Headquarters of the Odesa Region continued to provide aid: humanitarian aid was collected and handed over to the residents of OTG who suffered from the war.

February 18
Infant formula was handed over to the maternity hospital in the village of Dobroslav to support IDPs and low-income families

Public organization "Joint decision" together with the team "UAO - Ukraine Assistance Organization" bought and handed over infant formula to a maternity hospital in the village of Dobroslav to support IDPs and low-income families.

February 9
The NGO "Joint Decision" bought medicines for the "Zmiyiv Central District Hospital"

Volunteers of the public organization "Joint Decision" purchased and handed over the VAC-therapy device and consumables to the "Zmiyiv Central District Hospital" as a charitable donation, namely: Device for treating wounds with negative pressure NP-100 - 1 pc. Canister CS 300 (drainage container) for therapy with negative pressure - 100 pcs. Dressing kit NPWT-1-260A for wound therapy with negative pressure - 100 pcs. It should be noted that the doctors of "Zmiyivska Central Hospital" continue to treat and save everyone who turns to them for medical help. Now seriously wounded soldiers with severe shrapnel wounds are treated here

January 13
Generator for the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Volunteers of the public organization "Joint Decision" continued to provide assistance: Another powerful generator was purchased for the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

December 16
Point of Invincibility in Nova Dofinivka

On December 16, thanks to volunteers from Lithuania and our caring residents Hennadiy and Irina, a Nezlamnosti point was organized in Nova Dofinivka, where you can charge your devices and warm up.

December 12
Another car was handed over to the state to combat the consequences of Russian aggression

Volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization, with the comprehensive support of Ihor Uchitel and Odesagaz PJSC, handed over another car to the state. This time, the car will be involved in the task of restoring the damaged infrastructure.

October 27
Medical consultations for residents of Oleksandrivka

On October 27, with the help of Olena Vavilova and Olena Fatenkova, volunteers of the "Joint Decision" organization organized medical consultations for residents of Oleksandrivka.

October 11
The NGO "Joint Decision" prepared more than 300 food packages

Volunteers of the "Joint Decision" public organization continue to work. On October 11, more than 300 food kits were prepared for victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

September 21
Soldiers of the ZSU from Fontanka continue to receive high-quality American equipment

The public organization "Joint Decision" together with the California National Guard, Life Support Ukraine, Ukrainian American House purchased and handed over protective ammunition for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.